
Creating An Enterprise Data and Analytics Strategy

Our consultants have worked in a variety of management, operational, and technical positions within both payer and provider organizations. They average more than 15 years of experience in the healthcare industry. We have first-hand knowledge of your challenges, and understand how to overcome competitive pressures, organizational obstacles, and limited resources.

Case Overview

A Northeastern healthcare system with multiple provider groups, medical clinics, and hospitals engaged µç³µÎÞÂë Consulting to oversee the creation and implementation of an enterprise data and analytics strategy. First, the client needed an assessment of its current data and analytics structure. Next, the client requested recommendations on an enterprise data and analytics strategy that would help reduce costs and improve outcomes.

During on-site visits spanning several weeks, the µç³µÎÞÂë Consulting team conducted interviews with key staff to assess the healthcare system’s technology, workflows, and analytics culture. The team focused on data sources, transformation, and governance, as well as analytics design, adoption, and measurable outcomes. The consulting team ranked the organization’s performance in data, analytics, and culture, identifying gaps and inefficiencies. The team recommended several short-term interventions to solve these issues as work continued on the creation of a long-term strategy.

In the second phase of the project, the team led the healthcare system in developing an enterprise data and analytics strategy. After assessing leadership’s preferences and identifying technology options that aligned with the organization’s criteria, the team led the leadership team through finalizing the strategy and crafting an implementation framework.


As with most healthcare systems, our client faced multiple challenges regarding data and analytics. The healthcare system’s data resided in disparate silos throughout the organization. At a site level, the organization was following multiple data strategies in various states of implementation. The system’s analytics required long development cycles and resulted in poorly designed reports that frustrated stakeholders. Overall, the health system struggled to properly utilize its data and analytics to achieve measurable improvements. As a result, user adoption was low.


The consulting team evaluated the healthcare system’s performance on-site using a tool which included a maturity rating of the client’s data, analytics, and culture domains. By combining these relative maturity ratings with staff interviews and technology assessments, the µç³µÎÞÂë Consulting team devised a valuable maturity score for each location. The team used this assessment to develop a prioritized implementation framework and identify short-term interventions that provided rapid time to value. This early success helped strengthen organizational buy-in with key stakeholders, building momentum for implementing the long-term plans.


The organization adopted both µç³µÎÞÂë’s recommended short-term interventions and the long-term enterprise data and analytics strategy. As a result, the organization was able to eliminate data and analytics technology that was no longer used. The health system also reduced the work required by staff to develop and deploy analytics. Ultimately, the health system reduced its labor and technology costs while improving operational performance and clinical outcomes in numerous areas, most notably in its surgery department.

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